First Prize, AICA (International Association of Art Critics) Awards: Incentive Prize for Young Art Critics 2021. >>
NSS/CASS FINE ART Award for ‘Curatorial Project’, London Metropolitan University, 2015.
Refereed Journals:
La Rosa, Miriam. 2021. “New Start: the Marrgu Residency Program and the Future of Showing”, OBOE Journal 2, no. 1, 55-70. >>
La Rosa, Miriam. 2019. "Sicily and the Game of Hospitality: How Contemporary Art Can Break the Marriage That Il Gattopardo Made," Spunti e Ricerche Vol 34, 2019, 52-68 >>
La Rosa, Miriam. 2017. “Moving Outside Fixed Boundaries: … ‘In Residence?’” in Mancuso, Marco (ed.). 2017. Digimag Journal. Digital Identities, Self Narratives. Issue 75, May 2017, 35-45. >>
La Rosa, Miriam. 2012. “Looking forward. From augmented reality to augmented museums” in Mancuso, Marco (ed.). 2012. Digimag Journal. Places and Spaces. Issue 73, November 2012, 56-62. >>
Essays and Book Chapters:
La Rosa, Miriam. [2024]. “What Next? Art Residences, Time Travelling and Ostension” in Irmeli Kokko and Taru Elfving ed., Residencies Reflected. Milan: Mousse Publishing.
La Rosa, Miriam. 2020. “A Guest on the Edge: Manifesta and the Quest of European Unity and Solidarity” in Ronald Kolb, Shwetal A. Patel Dorothee Richter (eds.), Contemporary Art Biennials – Our Hegemonic Machines, OnCurating Journal. Issue 46, June 2020. Zurich, 371-380. >>
La Rosa, Miriam. 2017. “On Contemporary Collecting: Institutions without Objects” in Exhibist. International Art From Turkey. Issue 12, June 2017. Istanbul: Scala Matbaa, 16-21 (i-ix). >>
La Rosa, Miriam. 2015. “Freedom” in Amorim, Margarida B., Alejandro Ball, Miriam La Rosa and Stefania Sorrentino. 2015. IN TRANSITION: the artistic and curatorial residency, London: CtC Press, 52-61. >>
De Oliveira, Nicolas and Miriam La Rosa. 2016. Art Institutions of the 21st Century, London: Alaska Editions.
Amorim, Margarida B., Alejandro Ball, Miriam La Rosa and Stefania Sorrentino. 2015. IN TRANSITION: the artistic and curatorial residency, London: CtC Press.
La Rosa, Miriam. 2021. “Fertile Ground. Centre for Contemporary Photography” MeMO Review, 25 September 2021. >>
Exhibition Catalogues:
La Rosa, Miriam (ed.) 2016. BOCS Ltd: 3 ARTIST-RUN SPACES, 6 ARTISTS, 1 LOCATION. Catania: BOCS publishing.
La Rosa, Miriam. 2012. “Diciotto Volte il Tempo” in Exh. Cat. Bertacchini, Alessandro, and Lucia Govoni. 2012. Tempo. Ripetizione – Astrazione. Opere di Agostino Tulumello. Bologna: Galleria d’Arte ATREBATES (28 April -20 May, 2012, Bologna, Italy) – in Italian.
La Rosa, Miriam. 2010. Viaggio al Centro della Terra. La Scuola di Caltanissetta mostra geografie siciliane. Caltanissetta: Tipolitografia Paruzzo – in Italian. >>
Holmqvist, Jytte. 2019. “Curator Miriam La Rosa talks about an exchange artist residency between Sicily and Australia.” in Segmento Magazine. Melbourne, November 2019. >>
La Rosa, Miriam. 2017. “In conversation with… #exstrange” in Ghidini, Marialaura and Rebekah Modrak. 2017. #exstrange. A curatorial intervention on eBay. (Michigan Publishing), 8-15.
La Rosa, Miriam. 2016. “In conversation with NAYIA YIAKOUMAKI” in Media in the Expanded Field Site (www.mefsite.wordpress.com), 11 April 2016. >>
Other Publications and Podcasts:
Catà, Pau, Morag Iles, Miriam La Rosa, Patricia Healy McMeans and Angela Serino. 2023. “What is Magical is Hidden Too: an Exploration of Zone 00” in Julia Haarmann and Nada Rosa Schroer ed., Towards Permacultural Institutions: Exercise in Collective Thinking, Stiftung Künstledorf Schöppingen, 15-24. >>
La Rosa, Miriam. 2022. “The Marrgu Digital Residency” in Art + Australia, Issue 57, 2: The Pivot. >>
Bufardeci, Louisa and Miriam La Rosa (Hosts), Keg de Souza and Mithu Sen (Guests). 15 February 2020. “Radical Hospitality and Radical Places”, Audio podcast episode no. 3, GAPS [ ] : Encounters with Art, Centre of Visual Arts (CoVA), Melbourne (February—April 2021). >>
La Rosa, Miriam. 2017. “Proposta #16 Filippo Leonardi. Flora Plastica” in Platform Green (www.platformgreen.org), 29 August 2017.
Willette, Randall, Nicolas de Oliveira and Miriam La Rosa. 2016. “Living Artists And Managing Their Legacies – Part 1 and 2” in WealthBriefing (www.wealthbriefing.com), 14 – 22 December 2016.
La Rosa, Miriam. 2016. “Re-enacting Exhibitions/The Exhibition as a Medium” in Media in the Expanded Field Site (www.mefsite.wordpress.com), 15 February 2016. >>
Conferences, Workshops and Talks:
Workshop, 'What is magical is hidden too', an exploration of zone 00 (with Art Residency Research Collective) at Curating for Advanced Practices (CAP) Summer Seminar: Towards perma-cultural institutions: Exercises in collective thinking, organized by Stiftung Künstlerdorf Schöppingen residency centre, NRW Kultur International, and Temporary Gallery and curated by Aneta Rostkowska, Nada Schroer and Julia Haarmann. Schöppingen, Germany (11—18 July, 2022) >>
Presentation (with Art Residency Research Collective; and with Fayen d’Evie and Regina Pilawuk Wilson), Res Artis digital conference Defining the Next Decade (10, 14 September 2021). >>
Panel convener and organiser, online conference Memory, with the CoVA Graduate Academy (2—3 September 2021). >>
Presentation, 2021 Saari Summer Well, My Journey, Research and Exchange, Saari Residency, Finland (18—22 August 2021). >>
Paper, Hosts becoming guests: an exchange artist residency between Sicily and Australia, AAANZ 2019 Annual Conference, University of Auckland, NZ (6 December 2019).
Organiser, CoVA Graduate Academy: arts forums and events, Buxton Contemporary, Melbourne (May—December 2019).
Organiser and moderator, Artist Talk Regina Pilawuk Wilson, Steaphan Paton and Giuseppe Lana, Italian Institute of Culture, Sydney (3 October 2019) and Italian Institute of Culture, Melbourne (10 October 2019).
Organiser and moderator, Artist Talk Regina Pilawuk Wilson and Durrmu Arts, Fondazione Brodbeck, Catania (17 July 2019), FARM Cultural Park, Favara (23 July 2019), Museo Palazzo Riso, Palermo (30 July 2019).
Paper, Artists in Residence: an exchange journey between Italy and Australia, 10th Biennial ACIS Conference “Navigazioni possibili: Italies Lost and Found”, Victoria University of Wellington (7—10 February 2019).
Paper, Sicily and the Hospitality Game: Artist in Residence, the symposium “Il gattopardo: Sicily, Italy and the Supranational Cultural Imaginary”, The University of Melbourne, Parkville (12—14 November 2018).
Paper, “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil”: Freedom of Expression and Censorship in Contemporary Art, conference Cuba, quo vadis? An International Dialogue on Art and Culture in the Caribbean State, Ludwig Forum for International Art, Aachen, Germany (26—27 January 2018).
Organiser and participant, think tank Media in the Expanded Field, Fundación Casa Wabi, Puerto Escondido, Mexico (12—18 July 2016).
Moderator, roundtable IN TRANSITION: the artistic and curatorial residency, Whitechapel Gallery, London, UK (30 July 2015).
Presentation, dontdrinkthemilk: a de-synched conversation – amaCollective, InDialogue symposium 2014, Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham, UK (3 October 2014).
Organiser, Reinwardt Alumni Symposium Inter/Action: the mutual influence of theory and practice, Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde (National Museum of Ethnology), Leiden, the Netherlands (4 June 2014).
Paper, (Re)interpretation: rebuilding or restoration?, 23rd ICOM General Conference, COMCOL separate session, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (August 2013).
Unpublished Manuscripts:
La Rosa, Miriam. 2014. ‘Re-enacting Exhibitions’: A Case Study. Stephen Willats between Raven Row and the Whitechapel Gallery. London [Unpublished Manuscript]. >>
La Rosa, Miriam. 2013. ‘Re-enacting Exhibitions’ and attempt to go beyond memory. London [Unpublished Manuscript]. >>
La Rosa, Miriam. 2013. To collect or not to collect, that is the question; the in-terms contradiction of contemporary art museums. Thesis Master of Museology. Amsterdam: Reinwardt Academy. [Unpublished Manuscript]. >>